Auto Insurance

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What’s in your garage? From your everyday vehicles to your RV, quad, boat, motorcycle, snowmobile, antique or classic car, you’ve worked hard for these and want to know they’ll be there when you’re ready to get out and use them. But life can throw some unexpected curves sometimes, and any of your autos or recreational vehicles can be the target.

Auto insurance sounds like a pretty straightforward product, but it gets a little more complicated when you start to add a spouse/partner or children to the policy. Do you use your vehicle for work? How far do you commute? Is your vehicle strictly for pleasure driving? Do you carry tools or work related materials? How does the Alberta Government Auto Reform affect me? Can I save money if my house and cars are with the same company?

These are just a few examples of things that can have serious impact on your personal coverage needed, as well the price you’ll pay. Some insurance experts estimate that over 40% of the people on Alberta roads are improperly insured. Unfortunately most don’t find that out until it’s too late.

Give us a call at 1-866-645-2901 or send us an email and we’ll talk about what you need to protect your vehicles.

Or request a quote online at your convenience.

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Tannas Insurance Brokers Inc.
4902 50th Street
St. Paul, Alberta T0A 3A0

Local:            780-645-2901
Toll Free:      866-645-2901
Fax:               780-645-3637

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